Ionization makes it smell better on Marstrand Many holidaymakers want to enjoy the West Coast, which means a challenge for Marstrand’s sewage treatment plant. The high load
Ionization prevents unwanted microbes
Ionization removes bad odors and contaminants
Ionization provides a healthier indoor climate

Customer & Partner support
To always have strong collaborations

Innovative & Flexible
To always be in the forefront and solution oriented

Healthier indoor climate & Better hygiene
To always create the best well-being for humans and animals

Who are EKOion
EKOion has developed ionization equipment that effectively ionizes and purifies indoor air. Through a corona discharge, the electron tube releases electrons that ionize ambient air oxygen molecules so that they become negatively charged oxygen ions. The number oxygen ions vary based on the length of the pipe, voltage and air velocity across the pipe.
With our products you can feel better at the same time as energy costs are reduced. This is because the need for over-ventilation decreases. The indoor air is cleaner than the outdoor air and does not need to be replaced as often to clean, cool or heat the room.

Swedish Environmental Procetion Agency
Airborne particles lead to major ill health at population level globally and in Sweden
Choose which grade the smell has
Advantages of our ionization

1. Healthier indoor climate
2. Reduction of harmful particles
3. Reduction of harmful microorganisms
4. Energy optimization
5. Environmentally friendly and cost effective
6. Reduce fatigue, asthma and allergies
7. Easy to install
8. Increase energy and efficiency in humans and animals
Nanoparticles in air pollutants linked to brain cancer New research has linked nanoparticles in air pollutants to brain cancer. The very small particles are produced by burning
Tested by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden To secure and confirm our own O3 measurements, we had RISE test our ionization units for duct mounting, regarding ozone.
New energy system has led to halved energy consumption A cleaner indoor climate is more important than you think🌱 Here, Atrium Ljungberg has installed one of our
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Ionization could be a secret weapon in the war against COVID-19 Integrated into HVAC systems, the technology utilizes specialized tubes that take oxygen molecules from the air
Ionized air for depression High concentrations of negative ions make winter depressed people feel better. There are lots of people who can tell their own unique stories
The history of ionization Albert Einstein suspected at the turn of the century that it was not ozone that made his lung-sick relative healthy, as was claimed