Our Products

Ionization tubes

EKOion ionization tubes, recommended for all EKOion products. The ionization pipes are 100% recyclable, when ordering new pipes, the replaced pipes are advantageously sent back to EKOion, which sorts and recycles them.

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Garbage Room Units

EKOion’s unit for smaller premises such as garbage and waste rooms Lixo 100, 200 and 300 are a stand-alone ionisation unit suitable for heavily polluted environments and odors.

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EKOion Saddle, is an ionization unit that is intended for installation in various supply air units or supply air ducts where air improvement is desired.

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Pump pit Unit

EKOion’s Pump Pit Unit 2-F-V is developed for spaces with very demanding conditions and the odors are effectively eliminated.

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Fiskhamnsgatan 8E, 414 58
Gothenburg SE Sweden
+46 722 46 12 12