EKOion has developed ionization equipment that effectively ionizes and purifies indoor air. Through a corona discharge, the electron tube releases electrons that ionize ambient air oxygen molecules so that they become negatively charged oxygen ions. The number oxygen ions vary based on the length of the pipe, voltage and air velocity across the pipe.
With our products you can feel better at the same time as energy costs are reduced. This is because the need for over-ventilation decreases. The indoor air is cleaner than the outdoor air and does not need to be replaced as often to clean, cool or heat the room.
Airborne particles lead to major ill health at population level globally and in Sweden
Which grade does the smell have fromscale 1-10?
● Scale 1-3. Low smell and people can abide in the premises for a longer time, but still feel some irritation with the smell.
● Scale 4-5. A bit stronger smell, people can abide in the premises, for a short time before getting irritation with breathing.
● Scale 6-7. Strong smell, difficulties to abide in the premises.
● Scale 8-10. Very strong smell, can’t abide in the premises. Difficulties with breathing and feeling nauseous
1. Healthier indoor climate
2. Reduction of harmful particles
3. Reduction of harmful microorganisms
4. Energy optimization
5. Environmentally friendly and cost effective
6. Reduce fatigue, asthma and allergies
7. Easy to install
8. Increase energy and efficiency in humans and animals
What is ionization, and what is the difference between negative and positive ionization?