Questions and Answers

What is ionization, and what is the difference between negative and positive ionization?

Ionization is a process that affects molecules so that they become electrically charged. To form negative ions, electrons are added, and to form positive ions, electrons are removed instead. “Negative” is a deceptive word in chemical contexts. A negative oxygen ion has a higher oxidizing ability than a positive ditto. Negative oxygen ions in the air have always existed and bring many benefits to us humans. However, positive ions do not seem to be so good for us.

Why do indoor air get better from negative oxygen ions?

Negative oxygen ions are like invisible small molecular vacuum cleaners. They float around and clean the air around us by chemically reacting with gases, getting stuck on particles, on microorganisms, reacting with odor molecules and air pollutants. The unwanted substances fall to the ground where they can be easily cleaned away, or the substances decompose chemically and mostly become carbon dioxide and water.

What unwanted substances and odors disappear with the help of ionization?

Negative oxygen ions can remove particles such as dust, pollen, mold spores and fibers. They also inactivate airborne biological components such as aerobic bacteria and viruses. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are broken down, and ionization is also very effective in neutralizing disturbing odors such as smoke and sewage odors.

How are negative oxygen ions formed?

Negative oxygen ions are formed when the oxygen molecules in the outdoor air supplement with more electrons, which happens all the time. An energy supplement is required to move the electrons and create the amount of ions that can remove air pollutants. In nature, energy can be supplied through, for example, thunderstorms, waterfalls or strong winds, and in the commercial ionization machines, electron tubes are used as energy sources.

How do negative oxygen ions affect our mental health?

Negative oxygen ions are sometimes called air vitamins. It is a well-documented fact that most people feel very good about staying in rooms where the air is purified with the help of ionization. Negative oxygen ions increase our general well-being, and can (in controlled numbers) provide better oxygenation in the blood, and also reduce depressive symptoms, according to scientific research.

How do negative oxygen ions affect our physical health?

Given that modern ionization technology mimics nature’s own way of purifying air, there are probably many positive health effects. Since ionization cleanses the air of, for example, bacteria, viruses, mold and pollen, both the spread of infection and allergic reactions can be reduced. In addition, small particles that could otherwise cause damage to our vulnerable airways disappear. There is also research that suggests that our oxygen uptake capacity increases when we breathe in ionized air, but larger scientific studies are needed in the field to scientifically prove one hundred percent all the good health effects that have been reported.

Are there negative ions naturally in our indoor environment?

Nuestras casas modernas, lugares de trabajo y entornos públicos interiores a menudo tienen un aire bastante seco, en parte debido a la calefacción y la ventilación. Esto significa que no hay tantas moléculas de agua en el aire. Pero la mayoría de los hogares cuenta con una ducha ionizadora natural incorporada.

What is the difference between ionization and ozonation?

Ionization is sometimes confused with so-called ozonation. Ozonation is an air purification method where chemical pollutants are broken down by strong oxidation with ozone. (Ozone are molecules that consist of three oxygen atoms (chemical designation O3), unlike the natural oxygen molecules that are in the air and which consist of two oxygen atoms (O2)). Ozone is toxic and is found as ground ozone in low concentrations (max 50 ppb), and thus entails health risks for us humans, while negative oxygen ions on the contrary have a positive effect on human health.

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