

Ionization tubes Type – C, D, E and F are developed by us and does give optimal amount with ions and no ozone. This means that there are no health risks at all for people, animals and nature. With our ionization tubes you get a healthier indoor climate than the outdoor climate.

Recommendations are to replace ionization tubes after 8500 operating hours, easy to disassemble and assemble.

Genom en koronaurladdning frigör elektronröret elektroner som joniserar omgivande lufts syremolekyler så att dessa blir negativt laddade syrejoner. Antalet syrejoner varierar utifrån rörets längd, spänning och lufthas- tighet över röret.

Elektronröret monteras tvärställt över luftriktningen och för en optimal dimensionering av syrejoner rekommenderas en lufthastighet på 5m/s över röret.

The electron tube is recommended together with EKOion’s voltage generator M01-12 and M01-25. However, the electron tube is also sold as a spare part for replacement when the operating time is reached. Fits all ionization units with M5 thread in the base or with nut locking.

The ionization tube is sold with a one-year operating guarantee. In order to maintain guaranteed function, the electron tube should be replaced after approx. 8500 hours of operation or two years. EKOion Electron tubes are 100% recyclable.

Total lenght of our ionization tubes:
Type-C = 165 mm
Type-D = 250 mm
Type-E = 365 mm
Type-F = 550 mm


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